

was SO LAZY this morning. last night i thought i'd run my disk doctor software to see if i could figure out why my keyboard was switching so randomly. well, it was a terrible mess, took years to run, crashed halfway through, and i couldn't change my startup disk back to my harddrive!!! i tried all the keyboard shortcuts i could think of... i wished for the old imacs, where you could just stick a paper clip in them and the tray popped out. eventually called tech support this morning- they said i should restart holding down the mouse- look at that! it pops the cd out! who knew!
wasted even more time trying unsuccessfuly to get my apple mail acct. set up.
wasted even more time finishing my book. reading born confused again. really love it. realized i haven't changed my template quotes or lists since may. no one seems to mind, though.

anyway, when i FINALLY got moving, i got soemthing done. went to the grocery store, armed with my list of zuchini recipies. the health food store was open, so i stopped there first. local and quaint, but certainly doesn't fill all my needs. while i was in dominicks, jen called and invited me on a picnic tomorrow. since i had such big food plans, i said we should pack rather than do take away. so i came home and cooked- odessa beets (stacy was right!), marinated cauliflower and carrots, corn and edamame salad, and zuchini crusted pizza. i cooked up some peppermint tea (unfortunately with boiled water and peppermint teabags, maybe someday i'll do my own in the sun) and will blend up some watermellon lemonade in the morning. do i sound prepared?

i finally hung up the bar in the kitchen- it looks really good. and the posters in the bathroom. i'm almost done with posters, just 2 more left on the back of the closet door, i think. i really hate the textured paint in the bathroom, though. we'll see how long it takes me to get everything to stick. the humid summertime is not when to worry about that.

as i was starting my shower this morning, the cold water stopped, so i never got a chance to wash my hair. it itches- i'm going to take a bath now.

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