
get your legs done... and get your armpits free!

brandi carlile was on eric and kathy this morning, so we listened to it forever waiting for her. i went to the post office and ch said when i came back i missed the most fabulous commerical for the laser hair removal place. and they're having a sale. "women, get your legs done, and get your armpits free! men, get your back done, and get your eyebrows free!" it sounds awful. i wish i could have heard it myself. but brandi was good enough for me! so slow we redecorated the shop today. took down maps, hung up new posters- it looks nice. he ended up leaving early- neither of us got around to voting until after work today. we both had to find our new polling places in our respective neighborhoods. and we both grabbed readers for the ivi-ipo cheat sheet so we could vote with good concience. neither of us would have been able to put it all together without the the other. we joked about how we were like ani d and andy stochansky. cause, really, she went downhill after he left- that's when she jumped the shark. and his album sucks, too. so ch and caitlin- alone, nothing, together 2 responsible citizens!

took a new way home from work today- take the purple line express to howard and transfer to the red line there, instead. i think it got me home faster- i'll keep trying it. it's novel if nothing else. on the train i was totally inspired to create. when i got home i mixed up my savory leek and mushroom tart, and while it was in the oven i got out the rubber cement and acrylic paint and little stars and glitter and, well, it's too soon to say, but i think this may be nick bancock sorta art. if nothing else i made a mess and have fun. i'll post pics soon, i promise and, well, there's more to the story but i can't tell it yet. in fact, i probably shouldn't have told this much, but i'm just so excited about it, i think it's beautiful...

anyway, did i tell you l got a new camera phone?

and it was just in time, too because she currently has the world's hottest hair. check this out:

don't you wish you could follow her to oman? i know i do.

oh my goddess, and the day's been so long i almost forgot to tell you about my dreams last night! i had this horrible nightmare. i was at the farm, and so was everyone else- it was for like grandpa's birthday or something. it was really awkward, but there was this little bit of fun z and j and i had trying on all these old dresses mom found in the back of the closet. but then grandma was yelling at mom for letting us play with them. she was really grouchy. and then things just went downhill from there. everyone was bugging me about getting to my classes, and i kept telling them i didn't have to because it was spring break, but they thought i was just being a bad student. but things kept getting worse, and something horrible happened to bryce- a gunshot wound, perhaps? anyway, he was all curled up and dying in the blue room. and everyone was rushing in and out panicing, and then j came in and she flipped out. and she started tearing her hair out and scratching herself with her fingernails, these big long gashes that bled everywhere. then she started reatching, and soon she was vomiting blood too. i went out to the kitchen to find my mom, cause i was really scared, and i'm like, you have to do something, j's making herself sick in there. and my mom goes ballistic on me, saying what is your PROBLEM, and she just wails me across the face with the back of her hand. i fall down and hit my head on the island counter. i can feel the teath loose in my mouth as my mom keeps punching and kicking me. i can feel the blood on the back of my head and in my dreads and in my mouth, and finally i black out and that's how i wake up.

ew, right? i didn't think i'd ever fall back asleep after that one. but i did, and had a marvelous one, instead. i'm also with part of the fam, just mom and z i think, and we're on vacation somewhere, but i'm sleeping in the master bedroom of the house i grew up in. it's morning and white and bright and warm in bed, and i'm still feeling a bit bashed around and very very lonely. and i imagine l in bed beside me, imagining the exact shape of her, feeling her bulk, and it's almost like she's there. and then when i roll over she IS there. i'm a little creeped out, and i think i'm dreaming, people don't just apppear by wishing they would. but she did. i told her i didn't think she was real and she started cuddling me. i don't remember exactly what happened after that- i know there was m&ms, sex, breakfast with the family. they weren't surprised to see her at all. crazy.

usually when i carry over dream emotions, it's when someone screws me over in a dream and i'm mad at them in real life. but the magic i felt with l is carried over into real life, this time- i feel like she really came to visit. perhaps she did, pity i was asleep and missed it all.

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