
red glitter

our holiday pot covers came in last week, and our pointsettias came in today! jim called in sick, so instead i got them all dressed up and ready to go out on delivery. it was quite sad, after i decorated the store so nicely to have them all be sent away. ch got the pot covers i've always wanted- the red glitter ones, like dorothy's ruby red slippers. they get red glitter everywhere. i kept rubbing my fingers over my head to get it in my hair. ch was grumbly, whining about the carcinogenic properties of glitter and how he was going to find red glitter in his underwear tonight. i said it would be a good way to go. death by glitter.

mom put new colored rubberbands on all my dreadlocks. they're much too tight and giving me a headache- it will be weeks before it goes away. i have to be very careful tying up (or letting down) my hair. she also trimmed the ends and with them being so short and colorful, i look like a kindergardener. ok, the my little pony tshirt doesn't help.

i'm totally stressing out over work- all the things i've put off and MUST do. in additiion to schoolwork, i also must:
pay rent
pay bills
pay tuition (which involves depositing dad's check and getting one to the school)
get more college catologs
scan pic from catolog and renderings from patternmaking
call dentist, figure out what to do about my toothaches
deal with that, possbly involving finding time to fit dentist into my schedule AGAIN, calling oral surgeon and figuring out how to pay for wisdom teeth removal
and of course, there is always trying to figure out what the fuck to do about new years. fuck it. i have a paper due tomorrow.

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