
again, obsessed

i'm reminded again why i'm an obsessive about sleep. i really DO need my 9 hrs to function. it sucks, but i'm such a miserable person without enough sleep. and 8 hrs is not enough. i've been pushing the envelope on my before bed routine as of late, and ending up skipping yoga- and still being in bed way after i should. which makes me tired all day. which makes me lazy when i get home. which makes me procrastinate my tasks. till suddenly it's after 9 and i haven't started my routine yet. for insatance: tonight while i was waiting for my computer to fire up, i thought i'd try on my outfit for tomorrow- curtains r us is having an art exhibit in it's showroom tomorrow. as their sticher i really need to wear somoething homemade, but it's hard to find something in my closet that's not either frumpy or skanky. i finally decided on the (frumpy midlength) skirt i cut up into a corset and and micromini skirt. which is really just to small to do ANYTHING in, so i added a ruffle to the bottom, and now it's like, three inches longer. but i was going to stop sewing when my alarm went off at nine... which it didn't cause my phone's still on silent. see, this is the sort of thing that happens. and i turned on my computer in the FIRST Place, because i needed to blog, because it's been ages. but then i got distracted, and then it was past my bedtime, and well, here we are.

more to come. really. i do want to spend some time comparing and contrasting my two jobs and give you the dramatis personae of the new place.

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