
wild life

hey, could someone leave a comment so i know they work? i know blogspot comments are sucky, but i can't figure out how to get haloscan back now that im on beta. sad. sorry. but do you like the dots, though?

the bag lady was designing this music spectacular thing at old town this weekend, and when i saw it was kid friendly i invited deb as my date, and she could bring her son along.... so i finally met the 5 year old. spend the day with him, in fact. it's crazy to me. i'm having a lot of fun being the bad one, playing some serious footsie in ihop and the like. i mean, i want to be all over her, but i also know the kid can't see any pda, so it's allways this balance of holding her hand in the car, wondering if he can see it over his carseat, wondering if that's ok, figuring she'd put my hand back if it's not.

deb dropped me off at liz's party. it's crazy, just a few blocks away. why am i not afraid to go to a party where i don't know ANYONE? i guess cause liz writes such charming emails. and i figured she'd have fun interesting educated friends, which would be a nice change from watching cartoons on tv. what i didn't count on was her group of friends being the gays from chicago theological seminary. not just still christians, but REALLY christian. my nickname for the night was "who the hell are you" and it was lots of fun. they were all nice, i mean, how could they not be? but still, it was strange nostagia. i'd never met anyone before... but i'd kinda met liz 3 years ago. and as if christianese doesn't throw me back, hyde park does. you know how i still wax nostalgic about hyde park. so it was all fun, but a bit stressful... like we were talking about knitting, and a guy brought up an exboyfriend who he didn't like knitting in public, and i asked if he had the problem with all knitters in public, or just his bf, and he said he didn't think men should knit in public, and i said, "oh, so it's a gender issue!" excited because i love to talk about gender, and i was TOTALLY shot down, don't bring that up in this group, you don't wanna go there, and i'm like, woah, what? i was very quiet till the topic change. later, my fave guest was asking me if i went to church, and i made some disingagement signals, kinda i don't wanna get into this story, and said not anymore. and he said that i should totally feel ok with that and everyone in this group is absolutely ok with that, and i'm thinking, cool, that's nice... so talking about not being a christian is ok, but gender isn't? ok then. but some really fun people, a nice assortment, though all from the same box. they were kind to me, and that is important. i can't wait to see how it goes. all these aquaintences i meet places- i wonder if i'll ever run into them in bars or busses someday.

and what i find most interesting is how careful i am about deb, though she doesn't have the blog address and i don't think i'll be giving it to her anytime soon, and i'm giving specific examples of what i was thinkign about conversation and liz's friends, and i know she not only reads but leaves comments! (which no one can read anymore because i can't figure out how to turn haloscan back on. damn them! damn them all!) anyway, way past my bedtime


Brandon said...


caitlin said...

aww, thanks brando! i didn't know you even poked around here anymore!

The Cuddly Curmudgeon said...

Dangit. I so would have gone with the gender conversation if I'd have been in the room. Actually, if other people whom I was expecting had shown up, then you totally could have had the conversation. It's likely, though, that my particular group of friends has gender-talk fatigue from discussing it at school all the time -- it comes up in nearly every class. Anyway, I'm glad you came. It was good to ACTUALLY meet you in person, finally. Yay and hurray.