
just so i can blog about the weather

so here's my excuse for this hiatus- i wanted to blog after therapy last week, but then i had some qualms, and then i didn't think i could blog again until i blogged that story. but now, i want to blog about the weather, so i want to get that out of the way.

so here's the thing, the bit i'm scared to throw out there for the whole internet to chew on... Lisa! and i are talking about moving in together in september when her lease is up. september's a long way away, so much can happen in 9 months... but still, big deal for me, right? especially when i spent so much time talking to my therapist about how i could never move in with anyone... and so i'm telling her this, and stressing out about not knowing if my mom will be driving the uhaul this time around, if she'll be like a sultan directing the movers with her turban on her chaise lounge... and my therapist is all, we know you deal with stress by planning. but you can't plan this. you don't know how your mom is going to be in 9 months. but you do know, right now, that she knows how happy you are. and that's what really broke me down. cause it's true. life with lisa! really does make me so happy.

what doesn't make me happy is this perpetual cold. high today? 13 degrees. high tomorrow? 0. and that's the high. it'll be -5 for morning rush hour and won't hit 0 until 3 pm. brrr. i need to finish my new scarf so it can keep my face warm!

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