so anyway, about the art exhibit, which we went to after i bought my flower fairies calendar. the very first wall ch is all, woah, too much text! and speeds ahead. it was wierd behavior, and i didn't know what happened. maybe my bag was too crinkly. i would have prefered to walk with him. maybe he thought i would talk to much. in general, the whole exhibit made me feel discombobulated. one of their taglines was 88 works from 25 countries, but there were no countries on the artist information tags. there were so many works that i wasn't sure how they fit into the whole. and the whole exhibition was broken down in to the 10 essences of the dali lama (ie tibet, peace, compassion, etc) which were numbered- but they didn't go in order! there was 1 and 2 in the first room, then 6-9, then more of 6 in the back, and so on all over the place. i didn't understand the flow of it at all. also, i'm wondering what other people feel about multimedia art. i rarely have the patience to watch video in a museum. i like 3-D and 2-D work just fine, but when it comes to the 4th dimention of time, i just have no patience unless i'm at home or in a theater with popcorn. anyway, with all the downfalls, there was some beautiful beautiful work. there was an enormous piece that was a long red rectangle, and on the left hand side there was a little tibetian girl with a red shirt and red hair and blue eyes, and there were light red characters behind her head, and the artist said she was the next reincarnation of the dali lama... and i thought that was just fucking awesome. another amazing peice was buddha carved out of a stack of manhattan phonebooks. i wish there were photos. the best photo for the exhibit i can find is this:

afterwards. ch and i go to gentry for a drink, which turns into three. i go home and there's a message from the new job, the laundry bag guy. he wants to come over tonight. luke wants to change my locks tonight. so there are all these people in my apartment! it was kind of crazy. but i have deadbolts on the back and front now. and a hamper face i need to drape a laundry bag on.
worked yesterday, then went to the spectacle space to work there- and no christopher! guess he's not working late over jterm. so i went to the library instead, then to d's. my feelings are as always so bi-polar about her. i guess i'm always feeling i need to pledge my undying love forever and sign a lease together or break up. i need to remember there is middle ground, and to have patience. maybe i'll change, maybe she'll change, and make one become more likely than the other. i just need to wait and see.
work again today, then home finally to cook- i haven't cooked since i got back. and i FINALLY did my dishes, so i feel ready to fly with the flylady. and it seems i've already posted about my shiny sink.... i make my potato wirsing soup (it's apparently called savoy cabbage in the usa, but that's terribly awkward i think, and it LOOKS more like wirsing, don't you think, with all it's little wrinkles?) while listening to records- i successfully have my turntable hooked up! or at least, the turntable on the reciever next to my desk, and the turntable can play through the reciever to the speakers in the kitchen. next, we're going to see if it can go the other way- from the turntable through the usb to the comptuer speakers. stay tuned!
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