
year in review 2006

ok, i know it's past my bedtime, but it's almost february and i haven't done my fave meme yet. so i'm going to do it right now. you go into your archives and post the first line of the first post each month. here is the brief summary of my 2006:

januar: i was so good at blogging in philly, then, well, too many parties started happening!

februar: darlings i love you, but...
i just can't blog tonight. ch took me out for a margarita after work and now i'm tired and hungry.

märz: still hate colaborative seminar. calculated my trim in costume construction today.

april: goddess, it feels like it's been so long since i've had anything to say. thursday i had a another nightmare, again on the farm- this time the world was ending.

mai:so ch has been saving all these music videos for me to see, songs for me to hear, all sorts of streaming media! because i of course can do nothing with my dial up connection.

juni: oh my goddess, now that you've read all about bermuda i need to catch you up on what's happening this week! it's been crazy, poor mitzi's like, what's up, bitch, i thought you were HOME from vacation?

juli: i feel when i'm sad i will just feel sorrier for myself if i lay in bed all day, reading books and watching movies, occasionally getting up just to waste time online. and i feel proud of myself when i get stuff done when i don't feel like doing anything.

august: was not in a good place when i left for the beach.

september: SO, i was only supposed to work half a day today, but we ended up being so busy i stayed all day, and after ch & i closed up, we went upstairs for a margarita... i was feeling, i don't know, like shopping i guess, so i said i was going to sears to buy a vacuum cleaner.

oktober: the bag lady was designing this music spectacular thing at old town this weekend, and when i saw it was kid friendly i invited deb as my date, and she could bring her son along.... so i finally met the 5 year old.

november: work today, blah blah blah. stayed up too late last night listening to all that linford and so was tired today. i've just been feeling grumpy and blue lately.

dezember: i think you all should take your whining and STUFF IT! because it's snowing here in chicago, and it's BEAUTIFUL! it is cold and crisp and the light is bright and diffused. i got out the christmas music today, and my fur hat, and my advent calendar.

thereby ending my summary of a year. it worked amazingly well this year, and i think the first sentence provides lovely little tantalizing bits, and now i am inspired to be a good little blogger this year. i'll be greatful for it in january 2008.

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