i feel like i have three threads running through here- the history of g and i, the current things between us, and then my current thoughts on blogging and my everyday life.
i sent both michi and beth links the past few days, and both worried about privacy. and their fears are absolutely true- it must be something subconcious, that i really want other people to know... of course, i don't have enough friends, and they don't know enough of each other, for me to be too terrified. just worried... aparently not enough to stop typing!
i sent g an email about st. paul, and she promptly wrote back with movies she's seen in mexico that have reminded her of me. i'm used to her being in texas and distracted all summer, it's so much fun that she has time to reply this year. like she has a life of her own that goes on outside of mine, she doesn't just pop in and out from time to time...
i thought i'd get to more history by now, but things keep happening day to day to keep up with. and i thought when i got current on history i wouldn't have anything to write about until g got back to the us! but it will save, and i do write every other day or so.
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