
the dreams from my subconcious

i was at vogue, swatching. having a terrible time, couldn't remember what things were for, where things were. things were 45" instead of 60" and i was worried i'd run out of money. they say it adds up fast. i couldn't get help they wanted me to pick up a saw and jigsaw pieces, and buy a bobbin case to use in their machines. i eventually got about 1/2 of what i needed and figured i'd come back tomorrow. i couldn't figure out why i had so much stuff, what was wrong, how they matched up. but then mom was there to pick me up. she drove me through the suburbs and i realized they'd given me green yellow blue lining pattern pieces for someone else. Shoot! patti was in the car and we were taking her home. she was grilling me on what i had- i assured her i'd get what i needed by tuesday, i was going back tomorrow. she had these huge field glasses she clipped to the window, but as we got closer to her house, she gave them to me. she wanted to know when i'd have my short story ready for her and tom to read. i think shoot! i forgot all about the short story! but mom answers her i'll have it for tuesday. then mom and patti get out of the car and mom walks patti to her door, but we're on the wrong side of this huge street, and they're having trouble getting across- too many cars. wait! i cry. i still have your binoculars! patti waits till mom gets across and is distracted. then she darts across to get them. she pays no attention to the traffic going back, cars just slow down for her. while i'm waiting, i see this cardnial doign these fancy backflips- huge circles. then i realize it's not a bird, it's this chubby kid on rollerskates. it's like the zen of rollerskating- i thought it was aganst the rules of gravity to hang suspended upside down for so long. later i show ch pictures and he says, that chubby kid looks just like me when i was young. so i go back and inspire the mom and she leaves her abusive husband and her boy becomes a competative figure skater who amazes his girl partners with his hang time. no one in the neighborhood mocks him anymore. when i'm going to bed that night, mom's sleeping in my bed like laura, and i'm cuddled up against her, and i say, did you see? today, across the street from vogue? and she says, uh huh! toys etcetera! looks like fun!

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