
black snot in the moonlight

when i got into the costume shop yesterday and tom asked how i was, i said, "same old, same old- furious at frances and cromer." he said, "well, i'm glad nothing changes, i guess." collaborative semniar = the bane of my exisitence right now. that's all i have to say about that. finished patterning my dress for tom's class- buying fabric this weekend.

in figure drawing we were doing portraits, which i was so not excited about, but we finally worked with an eraseable medium! horray for the end of ink! it was probably my fave way of drawing, too- covering a sheet of paper in charcoal powder to make a grey tone, then drawing the shadows in black and erasing out the highlights. i love playing with messy mediums- so many of my classmates were so squeemish! i had my arms on my drawing and was black up to the elbow. i left with a face coverd in soot. it was lots of fun. and i was so pleased with my drawing- it didn't really look like the model, but i gotta say it was a darn good head. all that costume design, drawing imaginary people to proportions one must measure and memorize, has made me apriciate figure drawing so much. i am always comparing myself artistically to my classmates, and this assignment was good for my artistic ego- i felt like i was in the top 3 of the class. but it's all there in front of you! if you want to know what something looks like, you just have to look up, and you can SEE it! and if you don't like, it, rub your thumb over it and it disapears into the sea of grey. my least talented classmate, the girl who sounds like i did in ceramics, was saying to the professor, what is wrong with her shoulders? and he said, you have them drawn too low. and she said, where should they be? here? here? and i wanted to say, LOOK! it's right there in front of you! but he just said, from where you're sititng they're probably even with the mouth... anyway, on the train ride home i was sneezing and my snot was BLACK. gotta love playing with charcoal. blech. told stacy this on the phone today and she said she was working in the garden yesterday which made her snot black too. so i proclaimed us linked with a bond deeper than blood, and she sang to me romantically, "black snot, in the moonlight..."

yeah, that was pretty much my highlight of the day today. ch has spent way too much time at work with parties already this week. and i'm too tired to bouy him. so we've been snippy, doing nasty things like valentines day payroll and bills. ew. and then his wedding consultation showed up. he'd forgotten and i was going to be snarky at him for not writing it on the calendar, which i looked and saw he did, so then i could beat myself up instead for not reminding him.

came home, too tired to eat dinner, made rice and heated up a bag of indian food. have been trying to play with mitzi, but i'm so tired. she has so much energy and she WANTS something from me, and i wish i knew what it was. beacause those plaintitive meows may kill me. did my fucking colaborative seminar homework. talked to z, the shop in nc sent her crappy flowers for her birthday, i have to call ch tomorrow and try and fix it. talked to a, who's all fucked up on booze and pot and shrooms. she called to assure me that they were going out, so i should't worry when she doesn't respond to my texts. and she said everyone was dropping acid and other stuff but she wasn't going to. and all about her beautiful beads. happy mardi gras.

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