
flu and fur

ch called in sick today. poor thingy. and so i was all alone in the flowershop all day. pretty uneventful. feeling lonely and in need of cash therapy, but i CAN'T until i pay my bills. so instead went to the library to return my books and left with a huge stack. like, more than will fit in my bag. i had to take a shopping bag for the last three. i am excited to read all of them. i am sad no one is interested in my book list anymore.

but wait! my day just gets better! i thought reading new books on the train would be the best it got, but no. there was no interesting mail in my box. but there was a tinfoil covered plate by my door! hannah in 3w baked me vegan chocolate-pecan brownies, and left them with a little thank you note for the flowers. oh yes. this is not a case of journaling what you wish would happen so your readers don't think your life is lame. it really and truely happened. to me. i swear. this will soon become a short story, i promise you.

mitzi was a bitch again tonight. she doesn't like me cooking, she just crys and crys. she doesn't want to be petted, she wants to fight. and she wants to eat whatever i've got on my island, she jumps up the legs. i offer her some of everything. i'd feed her black beans if she'd eat them. but she's not satistifed with her food OR with my food. hopefully this will wear off FAST.

eating purple polenta and black beans. listening to the new hello saferide cd jamie mailed me. it's already inspired a mix for a- really, i mean, who else is the song "my best friend" written for? jamie rocks. she also sent me a copy of the german dvd i've been wanting so badly she recorded herself. unfortunately, it STILL doesn't play on my fucking american computer. but it's the thought that counts, and she's put SOmuch thought into me. also, a little pink cordoroy cover for pearl. she's so stylish now. and let me tell you, it's important for a girl to keep her ipod happy.

so that gets you uptodate. will type again as soon as something else exciting happens. any info on my life, know you can get it here first.

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