so, mom comes tomorrow. i don't think i'll be able to post.... again. it was luck that gave me my own room with the computer over thanksgiving, so i don't think i'll get such an opertunity in my very own (very small) home. got work done last night after i posted, but still have so much to do before friday. no energy. same old story. g wrote be back a very cold email. "finals are not over for me as of thursday. i will most certainly be frantically finishing things up as on friday! ugh. but it's
unavoidable. and then i will have to recover for a day. worst finals week ever. at least joe has volunteered to take carolyn to the airport at 5AM saturday. i wasn't saying i wouldn't see you before we left. i just wanted to know when you'd be back." ouch. i deserved it, though. still don't think i'll see her, but we'll see. allie's xmas gift came in the mail today! i'm just waiting for some stuff from the bookstore, and i have a few places to go to w/ mom, but i'm almost finished with my shopping. what in the world does one get a stepfather one doesn't like very much? see you all soon. promise.
1 comment:
Do you get Pam a present? Hell I don't usually unless dad tells me what to get or gets it for me. I guess now I do 10 years later... we totally don't have to get him presents unless mom wants to buy them and wrap them up and but our name on the card. at least not for 10 years! so don't fret about that!~Allie
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