
drunk dial

tine1586: caitlin i have a really important question
Rainheads: ok
tine1586: should i wear my brown belt or go beltless?
tine1586: i'm having a fashion crisis
Rainheads: what else are you wearing?
tine1586: i dont know
tine1586: 2 white shirts and a white puffer vest
tine1586: and jeans that are too big
Rainheads: why would you go beltless if the jeans are too big?
tine1586: youre so right
tine1586: i knew you could help me!!!
Rainheads: hey it's what i go to school for
tine1586: i KNOW--- since you're my oldest (aka wisest) cousin who happens to be going to fashion school, i knew you could help
tine1586: okay remember that one comment you left on my blog a long time ago
tine1586: asking why i never drunk dial you
tine1586: well
tine1586: i'm drunk im-ing you right now

tine1586: okay can i make an embarrassing confession?
tine1586: i just really need to get it out
Rainheads: please
Rainheads: i love embarassing confessions
tine1586: promise not to laugh
tine1586: or tell anyone
tine1586: b/c society frowns upon it
Rainheads: please. societly frowns on about 3/4 of my life
tine1586: i am currently listening to [band name omitted], and this is an every day occurrence. i don't just like [band name omitted], i LOVE them
tine1586: society would hate me if society found out
tine1586: (how did i KNOW you were going to say that)
tine1586: but if you post it in your blog more ppl than ch would know
tine1586: omg, jamie would know!
tine1586: but maybe she likes [band name omitted] too and it would be okay

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