
listen to your mother

got a decent amount done yesterday- stayed in bed for a while, then ch called to invite me over to watch beautiful people, my newest dvd aquisition. i rode my bike over there, quite nice, we watched the movie, surfed the internet, and i rode home. then i started sewing. actually, i never got to sewing. i made both the pants pattern and the jacket pattern, then cut out the fabric for them both, marked them, fused the interfacing. i wanted to get them at least serged, too, and i was hoping for some construction, but it didn't happen. about 11.30 i got hungry, so i went out onto the balcony and picked some basil, and i cut some cherry tomatoes and mozzarella balls in half to mix with it and a little balsamic vinegar. it was the first thing i'd eaten from my garden and it was delicious and made me very happy. then i went back to my cutting, cutting, cutting.

still haven't done the dishes. MUST do that. right NOW.

and then, i did the stupidest thing. i was cleaning out my ears with q-tips, as i am wont to do, though i know i shouldn't because it's so dangerous... and i was using my cheap devon market qtips, and while i'm digging around the cotton tip falls off and becomes deeply embedded into my ear. i have no idea how to get it out. everything i think of seems even more dangerous than the stupidity that got it stuck there in the first place. but i feel a bit like my cat with her halter on- i keep wanting to rub up against things, in the fruitless hope that will help. i can only pray i get used to the feeling before it drives me fucking CRAZY.

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