
practically useless

it's impossible to sew, let alone pattern. it's just too hot, i'm too in the pink room, i'm too close to vacation. i packed this morning, and discovered i can't leave without doing laundry. summer clothes are just too thin- i washed everything that wasn't black or hot pink together and still only filled half the washer. i need someone to do laundry with. i am just wasting my quarters there. i love to do people i love's laundry. here's how it works: you just call me up when you have a load, i get together all my stuff, you drive to my place, carry my laundry down the stairs into your car, and i sort yours and mine. you just drop me off at the laundrymat, come 40 min. later, and carry all the wet stuff up the stairs for me. then all you have to do is stop by the next day and i will have your clothes all dry and neatly folded by type and color. an easy service, no? this could really be a mutually benifiicial relationship. any takers?

ch called all day today- he was so lonely. i was glad to entertain him, i wasn't excited about working either. s also called- i know how busy she is, and it makes me feel so special when she makes time for me. i ended up spending the rest of the day dancing around, giggling to myself, smiling at the cat. ch invited me over to watch a movie, and since i wasn't able to get ANYTHING done here, i decided to go eat my scrambled tofu hash over there. (it was actually quite good- tofu, sweet potatoees, one scallion, a few tablespoons of cabbage, a bunch of tomatoes, cilantro, some salsa, the rest of my frozen corn and what was left of the orange cheese once i cut the mold off. obviously a well planned, specifically shopped for sort of meal.)

it was anything else, a woody allen movie with christina ricci. i do love woody allen, although it is just agonizing to watch his movies. ch was saying how annoying he is, how there are so many people who can't stand him, and i said he reminded me of marty. anyway, christina ricci says to the guy, "of course i like you. i had a crush on you from the moment i met you! couldn't you tell by the way i was ignoring you?" and he responds, "yeah, your apathy was really compelling."

this is HILARIOUS to me. i have NEVER ignored someone i liked. my apathy has never been noticed by anyone but drunk men on street corners.

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