
meme again

from jamie's-

now, you're supposed to pick your 5 faves, but jamie did them all. so i'm just gonna do the ones i could imagine wanting to be. i just don't have enough imagination to think of being a scientist.

If I could be a scientist, I would ...
If I could be a farmer, I would ...

If I could be a musician, I would rock out all by myself with my cleverly named and well-decopaged guitar, and my sound will fill the whole stage. I would have cute dreadlocked groupies, and i would hate ani comparisons.

If I could be a doctor, I would...

If I could be a painter, I would have no white surfaces in my life. every wall, sidewalk, ceramic, and small child would be awash with color.

If I could be a gardener, I would create an urban garden with all of my neighbors so that our windowboxes would make a jungle out of the building.

If I could be a missionary, I would be an ethomusicologist, telling writing worship songs in people's native languages.

If I could be a chef, I would be famous for tiny dishes that look as good as they taste, and being based on the color wheel rather than the food pyramid.

If I could be an architect, I would

If I could be a linguist, I would speak as many, or more languages than jamie, and would travel everywhere to show off my skills.

If I could be a psychologist, I would be even more depressed because of all the people who i couldn't help.

If I could be a librarian, I would talk to everyone checking out about all the books they were reading and i would embarass all the teeny boppers checking out francesca lia block, but i'd also help them find nancy garden and sue hines and they would be greatful to me forever and bake me rainbow striped cookies.

If I could be an athlete, i would amaze everyone by my feats of heroic strength and skill competed by the tiny girl in the long skirt.

If I could be a lawyer, I would...

If I could be an inn-keeper, I would...

If I could be a professor, I would be loved by students and hated by administrators, assign huge projects, change my mind often, stick to the sylabus, not take attendance, require creativity and build relationships.

If I could be a writer, I would write the funniest damn blog that would make the whole internet read my books.

If I could be a llama-rider, I would...

If I could be a bonnie pirate, I would...

If I could be an astronaut, I would...

If I could be a world famous blogger, I would still reply to all my coments. also, would open the abovementioned inn to house visiting guests.

If I could be a justice on any one court in the world, i would...

If I could be married to any current famous political figure, I would cry at being left home alone, and be furiously jealous of all her other loves. so it sounds like a bad idea.

you're also supposed to make up one, but i did more than 5, so i think i'm exempt.
now i'm supposed to get 3 other bloggers to do it. i think samir should do it, to spice up his blog, i think justine should do it because she loves memes, and cecilia should do it, because she has such a lovely creative imagination she would think of 5 beautiful lines.

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