
what you've been waiting for

i've been feeling smothered by my classes. i've been listening to my coming out mix, trying to fix the order, and it's been so nice. but today after styles and crafts, i was REALLY bitter about having to go to set design. when i got there, no one was there, and so i wondered- did i screw up? was i supposed to go to the library or something? so i left, and i thought how excited i was to be walking in beautiful 70s 100% humidity chicago listening to my ipod. but then at 14th street i ran into 3 of my 4 classmates. so i went back. but chris, the one who wasn't there, had all the drawings, so we couldn't do anything anyway. after 45 min, i decided to skip, and as i was leaving chris was coming in. i told him not to get me in trouble, then i walked to my favorite gardens at roosevelt and michigan. i laid down under an angel between the tulip burms, absorbed the humidity, listened to pearl. it was so refreshing to be outside, lying down, listening to good music! after lunch and work in the costume shop, frances's class was seriously shortened due to her teching she stoops to conquer. so now i'm home, and feeling like getting alot done! i canceled some credit cards i've collected, and now i'm making mixes for jamie. after this, i'm gonna mail out packages and pay bills. and i'm gonna do it all before the sun goes down!
as far as fall classes, i've got some extra space and am thinking of getting a women and gender studies minor. what do you think?
i've already made some apartment decisions. i'm gonna try and move july 1st. i'm gonna be sad to leave this place, but i've gotten excited about moving north. yes, you read that right. i'm leaving hyde park- but isn't it sad sometimes, isn't it lonely, how i hang around here with nothing to hold me. g's going to costa rica to teach english in january, and before that she's gonna get a job in california-or chicago-or texas. not enough reason to live in hyde park. ch is really excited. it's fun to talk about, and read ads, but we'll see how into it i am when it comes to visiting and deciding. I've been making lists. i want to live off the red line, or brown line, or lsd express buses. i must be able to feel safe walking home at 3am in heels and false eyelashes. and there has to be a place to put my bike. Oh, and i refuse to live someplace with east facing windows, lake view or not. I would adore a large closet, a walk in, eat in kitchen, and a balcony. i'd like a little building rather than another highrise, and i don't want a garden appartment. do you think that will be too hard to find?
and finally, some pictures!
spring weekend and RIT
me sexy in kitchen and g's rings
set design model
life is a dream renderings

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