

so now that i've eaten my mac and cheese i can add a few more interesting things about my day.
mom tmed me to make sure i took my pills at lunchtime. ch says she should set up a reminder service like the flylady.
i think i'm too tired to do my dishes- don't you agree? but perhaps i could PRETEND i have enough energy to do some of them, and i can just see what happens.
did i mention i read plastic angel, nerissa nields's book today? pretty good, though the plot is pretty dead on this town is wrong. i still cryed at the "you only need your toothbrush, fifty bucks, that velvet shirt that brings you luck" part.
also, i was gonna wear jeans and a t shirt to school today, but then i thought i wanted to make a good first impression and i thought if i dressed the part, perhaps i'd feel more alive awake and enthusiastic. and i think it did work, to a small extent. wore my purple velvet suitjacket from last new years, my blue collared shirt and tie, and a plum cordoroy skirt- i was VERY studious looking.

as you can tell by the picture, i'm still puffy.
and yes, i know, there's still that meme kira's taged me with, but i've already done 2 entries today. i can save that for the future, when i'm bored and my life's less exciting. yeah right. i would love to be bored someday.

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