
from bad to worse

i need to get a grip. am falling apart at the seams. just yelled at my cat, stomped, and chased her under the bed. all she does is cry! i can't stand ther persistent meow meow meeeooow every moment i am in the house! my arms hurt from hours of string dangling! there is only so much one-handed multitasking i can do! i need a less playful cat. one who can deal with less attention from me. i want a cat like this:

there are NOT enough sunbeams in our life. my studio is too small for the two of us.

i know i posted briefly about my evening in hyde park, but did i tell you they're still rehabbing my old building? and the construction site is now a shiny building. double creepy.

hyde park feels like home to me, in response to a's comment, since it's so familar and part of my history and somewhere where i have no place now. ch taught me that home isn't a place, it's your friends and how they support you. i've got a bunch of stuff i really like to come home to, so maybe in a more material way, home is where my sewing machine is.

so yesterday was my first evening home in ages. no wonder the cat misses me. i cooked dinner, something simple out of my german cookbook. it's good, one of those simple recipies that makes you feel, why did i need a recipie for this, i should have been able to come up with it on my own. but i was very pleased that it ended up looking just like the photo, in my opinion. and of course, i took cell phone photos, so i can have your opinion, too:
cookbook photo

my stew

i hope i can get something done tonight. ch invited me over and i said no. what would mitzi have said if i was out again this evening? i really wanted to someday after i graduate i'll lug my computer and it's fancy boombox software over to ch's high speed connection, and record all those fabulous songs off myspace and watch videos and oh, it will just be grand. but tonight i'm going to write fiction and pysanki. i need to dismantle my little easter egg studio now that easter's over, so i can start bugging my landlord about opening my balcony door.

don't i look so crafty and creative, though?

talking about being crafty and creative (and about the end of the semester aproaching) my big project for costume construction 2 was due wednesday. there are only 3 weeks of school left- now all i need to do is my outerwear or accessory. a cape's too simple, gloves are too time consuming, and i don't really want to make a hat. ideas, anyone? what could i make from 1869 that would compliment this dress?

ok, i need to go hide. craft, write, etc. sigh. it seems like every conversation i've had today is agonizingly awkward. a. hannah in 3w. my director for my final project in colaborative seminar. ugh. i just need to get through it. this too shall pass.

anyway, thank you for commenting, it makes me feel loved. i'm glad you like my pictures.

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