
lots o' ch

so we worked together all day yesterday- a crazy busy day, so much on my list didn't get done. distracted by fecking customers- how dare they come in and interupt my paperwork with their pesky orders? the old owner of rosexpressions was due to vist today, so we wanted to get the place cleaned up yesterday- but it just didn't happen. l called- definately the highlight of the day. she was back in the us, at jfk. haven't heard from her since- i can't imagine the jetlag and sunburn she must have. anyway. ch had rented happy endings, and invited me over to watch it. i was wavering, but then he said he'd make more pad thai and that pushed me over the edge. so another fun night there- it needs a name- after the lodge and the vatican, what's the name of ch and johnny b's place? there should be a contest. something else for ch's website. was telling him today he needs a website to organize all his blogs, the ones he actually has the ones he wants to invent. like the game we play, really rediculous things people buy in the grocery store. we needed a name for that, too, but we came up with one on the way home- grocery basket bingo. he saw a chick with a bottle of wine and 3 packs of ramen last night. though, i more often feel like a subject: yogurt, ice cream, bagels, extra large back of hershey's minatures. i want a little sign for the spies- "honest, i buy my vegetables on devon!"

anyway, that is such a tangent. so fun last night. work today. a much slower day, i attacked the coolers. vaccuumed them out, wiped them down, and windexed the glass- as always, the job that always goes to me since i'm small enough to climb in and do the inside of the glass. and ch shuts the doors to lock me in and tapes little signs outside:

really, sometimes working at a flower shop IS as much fun as you imagine.

then other times it's not. we didn't get to tomorrow's wedding work until like three. oh, and i didn't tell you about yesterday's adventure- we got a web order for this:

i would have refused it because it is rediculous, but there was no answer to the phone number. so, ch says, we can make it.. and we did, with alot of cardboard, hot glue, and lomey dishes. i wish i had a pic of our version. it was pretty close.
anyway, tomorrow's wedding is all calla lillies, ch made the bride's boquet and the 2 bridesmaids' boquets, and i made the 10 boutonierres and 2 corsages. ugh. all that wire and tape. we didn't get done until almost 7. then we needed a drink. it's so sad- the mexican restaruant upstairs is under new management, and doesn't have their liquor license yet. so we walked to gentry and drank there. i love that ch and i can work together all day yesterday, hang out all last night, work all day today together, and still have stuff to chat about on the walk to the bar.

then i got home, all distracted and disoriented. didn't sleep well last night- after i got home from ch hannah in 3w was so loud- then i hear everyone yell, surprise! and more guests came throughout the night. i don't know if it was her birthday, or if she was hosting someone else's party, all i know is, no one took their shoes off, and she doesn't have very many rugs. i left her tulips, with a postcard, i hope she comes home tonight to get them. signed online, wasted time, fucking myspace, etc. ch has more friends than me. real friends, not bands. ate bean mush in tortillas, it was good, finished last sunday's newspaper, got bit by the cat-she so wants to fight tonight. finished my novel. have been so cold. really should take a bath, but it's taken me forever to type all this, pictures, etc. so i'm going to just go to bed, i think. so many errands to run tomorrow morning.

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