
at gabrielle's

we'll see how much sense this makes. i'm at gabrielle's house, typing on her laptop while watching the debate on tv with anne, helen and jess. it's rather distracting. we're talking about taking shots everytime they say iraq, which would make it much more fun. so my classes, whatever. yesterday at work, ch is like, what are you doing tonight? and i said, reading oedipus and writing a paper on it. but he went to a big event tonight, and he wanted me to come over last night and help him decide what he wanted to wear. so i did. we made strawberry margaritas, and fancy tofu egg rolls (SO GOOD!) and i looked at all sorts of pictures he's been promising me. and i helped him choose dark aqua jacket, light green shirt, brown patterned tie, brown pants. it was so much fun. and it didn't take me that long to get home. and i was sober enough to write the paper after that. and still made it to my 8am class just 5 min. late!! class. whatever. so much paperwork crap, not interesting enough to go into. honest. wondering if g's browser will keep this link, wonder if that's how she'll discover my blog. but i miss you guys, and want to tell you about the egg rolls. so here i am. when i got home last night and tried to sign online, it wouldn't work. and then i picked up the phone and there was no dial tone. so perhaps that's how i got the paper done.... anyway, called the phone company, they say they'll try to fix it tomorrow. i pray it's their problem or the landlords, and not mine. still have cockroaches in my kitchen. stil no storm windows. elevator still doesn't stop on eight. why do i live here again? oh, yeah, it's cheap, its huge, it's sunny! really, the phone problem's so minor compared to the stupid practicum credits... anyway. at least i can come here and hang out and type to all you lovely readers. for now, i'm gonna concentrate on bush and kerry (the monkey and the chipmunk?)

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