
red moon

wow. and to think i was feeling friendly and connected when i wrote yesterdays post! at 9 last night, charles and rafael call me up, asking if i'd had dinner yet. they took me to soul vegetarian east, as i've been raving about it for years, and they just saw it on check please. cause, of course, nothing really exisits unless you see it on television. (they also now have a car, so this makes it easier to get to 75th st,) anyway, afterwards, rafael really wanted to go out, so they kidnaped me and took me to big chicks (on the entire oppostie side of the city. in andersonville. on the north side. 20 miles away.) god, and so we're driving down lake shore drive, and the city is ours, and it is so beautifful, and we're singing along to the mix cd. "my love's as sweet as tupalo honey..." and charles says, "look!" and out off navy pier, out over the lake they are shooting off fireworks. we have a great view of them as we drive through the loop. then we're cruising along lsd and the fire works are done, and there's that amazing moon hainging in the sky, almost exactly half, red as lips, red as leaves in autumn, red #3, not a colour for the moon to be. chalres says," someone's put a gel on the moon." i said, " this right here, this is enough for me. even if i have an awful time tonight, this will make up for it, this alone makes coming with a good descision." big chicks was fine, not that great, the music was terrible and we left early. we drove down clark and halstead to come home, and it was just alive. rafael stuck his head out the window when we made left turns and cursed out the pedestrians violently in spanish. the pedestrians gawked, and any spanish speakers standing around laughed. i have no idea what he was saying.

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