
sticky hair

i still had a play to read, a paper to edit, and my notebook to reorganize. but i told g she could come over anyway. it was her braving the cold after all. (so i knew it would be cold when i left the house this morning. so i was wearing long underwear, flannel petticoat, jeans, tshirt, long sleeves, wool sweater, big hat, huge wool scarf, contact lenes so i can see with the scarf round my face, sheepskin mittens and my coat over it all. the first thing i think when i go outside- god my eyes are cold. how can your eyes be cold? i guess that's all the skin i have showing. second thought- should have worn thicker socks) not that i'm complaining. this is just life in chicago- always a weather adventure. where else is it 0 and dry as a bone in the winter and 90 and as humid as a rainforest in the summer? i always say if you can't stand the cold, move. quit your whining, live somewhere else. (this is to, say, whiny students, doesn't apply to homeless people, for instance.) i went out for lunch today, ch thought i was crazy. but i didn't go groceryshopping. tomorrow, hopefully. not that it's gonna get warmer or anything. Anyway. g came over and waxed my hair. i mentioned jamie (high july came on!), wonder how long it will go before she knows about my secret blogging life. i guess as the blog gets bigger and bigger. eats away hours of my life. i go into a 12 step program. etc. when is york gonna send my damn pictures back from germany? the german mix is made, kids! i just have to do liner notes. switched nimm ich mit and 99 luftballons around stupid american for the last time. the playlist is final. comment if you want a copy! g had four locks left and her boyfriend called. where are you? we gotta go to the movie! so she left me with 4 unwaxed locks. this is the power i hold over her. she runs away from me with 4 unwaxed locks. fuck it. her hair was so fucking sexy today. stacey's crazy. she was drinking my chakra #2 tea. if there was anything that would make her horny for me that would. she just bitched about her roommates all taking their slumlord to smallclaims court. sigh.

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