
umm, well...

what sort of post am i supposed to put here at the top now? i've got a little list of things i was gonna post about, sometime, but i'm a bit overwhelmed. the worst part is, i may be having visitors, and i'm so nervous about it rather than cleaning up i've been running around in circles in my house shoes and bathrobe. i did change the comment box color to an easier color to read. blue, too. so jamie and cecila, you get to vote (a, you can too if you want) what do you think? is blue better than purple? will people comment if the comments are easier to read, if the haloscan window coordinates with the blog proper? i should be getting my site ready for guests, typing up my 100 life goals, an about me post. for the rest of you confused folk, my lurking real life friends, HAVEN'T YOU HEARD WHAT'S HAPPENED TO ME?!? i've been linked to! jamie's put my little blue world as her post of the day. she said my blog has an honesty she hopes to obtain, and i share uncomprimisingly, and i'm relatable. there are three links to MY BLOG! i've seen this happen before to other people, as i commented to her, but i never imagined it would ever happen to me. look at all the comments she gets. she's on 6 other blogrolls. according to my counter, i've got 2 hits from jamie's page already.
so now i feel like i have to pass it on. of course i encourage you all to go to jamie's lovely blog but i should really pass on the favor to someone else. blog it forward, i saw someone calling the trend. well, since i know i'm not going to generate a huge flow of interested commenters like michele does, i don't feel compelled to send you to someone who i think is dying for new readers or someone who will be eternally greatful to me as i am to jamie. so instead i'm going to send you to an amazing blog i just found though a link of a link on blogexplosion. it's so new i haven't yet added it to my blogroll, but i think someday soon i will. it's bagdad burning i think her discription says it all. a girl blog from iraq... lets talk war, politics and occupation. can you imagine trying to live in war? i can't. and then blogging through it? when you only have 4 hours of electric a day and the water's been shut off?? it reminds me of reading lolita in tehran. it's a crazy feeling, because it makes me so greatful to live in america, where life is so nice, but simultaniously so angry, so upset, about the mess we're making in her country. it was a lovely surprise with all the rightwingers i've been getting in blogexplosion lately. ok, i think that's enough. i will be able to return to regular blogging now.

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